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Jamaican Guinea Hen Weed (Anamu)

Wild-harvested Jamaican Guinea Hen Weed (Petiveria alliacea) or Anamu is widely used in Jamaica due to its extensive catalog of health benefits. Some of these benefits include:

• It boosts the immune system

• It is effective in the treatment of cancer, as two of the phytochemical compounds in the plant are believed to destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed

• It has been proven to be effective against harmful organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses

• It is rich in antioxidants.

• It is used as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms and other respiratory conditions.

• It is effective in reducing fevers.

• It is an effective pain reliever.

• It lowers blood sugar.

•It has antispasmodic properties.

• It is a traditional remedy for arthritis and rheumatism — its leaves can be crushed and made into a paste which can be applied to soothe pains and aches.

• It can also be used to stimulate proper digestion and to relieve digestive problems such as bloating and flatulence.

• It fights infections and stimulates the immune system.

• It promotes the release of toxins through increased sweat and urine production.

• It is also used as a natural insect repellent.

WARNING! Pregnant women and those who are trying to conceive should avoid using it because it may cause spontaneous abortions.


1. Bring 1 liter of water to boil, add one tablespoon of guinea hen weed and simmer on low for 20-20 minutes.

2. Strain and enjoy. The tea is best ingested on an empty stomach.

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